This is a long post but if you keep reading...I have a present for you at the end! After 10 years teaching it never surprises me how anxious I still get before school starts. This year I am feeling a little more nervous than usual. It all began during Spring Break when I headed to what I thought would be a normal trip to Barnes and Nobel. Where I {of course} headed straight to the professional books. Hannah, who was completely aware we could be here for hours...told me to text her when I was done. So guilt free I started moving books here and there and scanning covers to find something that interested me. {I have found a gem or two this way.} This is where I stumbled upon The Daily Five book. Okay, I must give full disclosure...I am somewhat a "literacy snob". Like most first grade teachers-I have my beliefs of how kids learn to read. But I also think you get something from every conference, book, or idea that comes your way. Good or bad. So I kept reading and to my surprise when Hannah came over to see if I would buy her the latest vampire book she just had to have-I realized I had almost read my way through the first chapter. So I gave the "sisters" a chance.
I found that this book was not about a "program" at all. In fact, it was about a literacy structure instead and I love me some structure! The funny thing is that my literacy block was working just fine. But I liked the idea of my kiddos building stamina in their reading. So I thought let's give it a try. Better to find out now if it works instead of in the Fall when I will be reminding myself that yes they are like this every year in the beginning and that I will love them too. {By the to all my kinder teachers out there!} So I and my ever so flexible intern changed it up. And you know what...we liked it.
I soon realized I would need new schedule cards. Since I had my first "real" follower today {you know someone other than family and friends that I didn't plead with to check out my new blog.} I am sharing these cards with you. By the way if you haven't checked out Tunstall's the link on my page. I think you'll find her classroom is a place of calm and comfort. Enjoy. Click on the picture to get your set of schedule cards.
Until next time...
Thanks so much your schedule cards are awesome. This is my first year back in the classroom after being home for 10 years and I can't believe the talent and creativity out there. Would you be willing to share this as a word document - I would like to add one for "Chapel". Thanks so much for your generosity!